What is NIE? How to get NIE in Barcelona?
A NIE (número de identidad de extranjero) serves as an identification code for non-Spanish nationals residing in Spain. For European Union citizens, residing in Spain requires no work permit, residence permit, or visa; a valid NIE suffices as the sole residency requirement. Upon relocating to Barcelona, obtaining your NIE should be prioritised.
What does a NIE allow you to do?
- Work
- Establish self-employment
- Open a bank account (with exceptions)
- Buy or sell property
- Arrange loans or mortgages
- Launch a business
- Apply for a driver’s license
- Enroll with social services and receive benefits
- Initiate utility accounts
- Apply for Bicing (public bike-sharing system)
Securing a NIE in Spain was a relatively straightforward process, particularly for EU passport holders, a few years back. Merely presenting a passport while enduring a wait in line sufficed. However, the process has since evolved significantly. In Barcelona, obtaining a “cita previa” (appointment) has become mandatory to initiate the application process. Furthermore, distinct procedures and criteria apply depending on whether one seeks a residential or non-residential NIE card.
Refer to the linked article for detailed guidance on applying for a NIE in Barcelona.
- March 4, 2024
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- NIE in Barcelona
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